Published Volumes

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay: A Cultural Heritage Revivalist of India

in Published Volumes

Author: Saikat Biswas Assistant Teacher Department of History Arabindapur Junior High School Email: Abstract:: India was a British colony during the colonial period. During this time India lost sovereign power. British used India as a source place of raw materials for industrial finished products. India became the market of British...

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Gambhira:The Voice of Rural Bengal Enquiring Social Awareness

in Published Volumes

Author: Sreetapa Das Assistant Teacher Department of Political Science Nazrul SatabarsikiVidyalaya Lusipakri,Darjeeling,West Bengal,India Email: Abstract::Among the aesthetic aspects of folk music as an adjunct to the flowing life of different ethnic groups in North Bengal,Gambhira is one of the most powerful social mirror which depicted the...

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The Changing Scenario of Hindi Cinema after Independence

in Published Volumes

Author: Md Raju 1Former Student Department of History The University of Burdwan Rajbati , Burdwan , West Bengal Email: Abstract:: In modern Indian society, Communalism is a complex problem. Like caste discrimination, racism and gender inequality, it also weakens the society. It was the core reason behind partition of India and refugeeism....

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